
Who else but
Back in 2008, we announced that we anticipated the
end of the production of conventional incandescent
lamps by 2010. And, as it happens we were right
- with production completely shut down in 2010.
Toshiba Lighting sees itself as the brand that resear-
ches, develops and manufactures with man and the
environment in mind.
We have given a name to this consistent thought
and action: Akari. Focus on the needs of people as
well as thinking and acting sustainably. This is the
driving force behind Toshiba‘s continuous innovation
This shapes Toshiba E-CORE LED products and
makes them unique and exemplary. Exemplary in:
operating life, energy consumption, reduction of
CO2 emissions by 80 % compared to conventional
incandescent lamps, the range of the performance
and colour spectrum and the resulting application
possibilities. „Leading Innovation“ - in no other area
is this claim of Toshiba more directly experienced
than here.
Toshiba Lighting
makes history
From the beginning, E-CORE LED Lighting was
praised by a large public composed of retailers,
professionals, architects and end users, as its 73 %
growth over last year shows.
Whether it be „a light to see“ for your general
lighting or a „light accent“ for your shop displays,
E-CORE LED Lighting will meet your needs.
Let’s discover our catalogue for 2014/15.
Just follow the light.
E-CORE LED Lighting,
your partner for the future
Last year, hundreds of thousands of professionals
and customers from the whole world chose our
LEDs. How can we explain such a success?
Let’s ask them!
Our LEDs last up to 60,000 hours without any
Our LEDs use up to 80 % less energy than
incandescent lamps
Our LEDs withstand shock and vibration
Our LEDs generate virtually no ultraviolet and
no infra red
Our LEDs can reduce CO2 emissions by 80 %
compared to incandescent lamps
Generate less heat thereby contributing towards
lower air-conditioning costs
A very wide range with many sizes and colours
oering new creative opportunities
Why does everybody
choose E-CORE LED Lighting?
With E-CORE LED Lighting, Toshiba wants to
make as many people as possible benet from its
progress. For many years, our engineers worked
altogether to develop our LED technology.
We are very demanding with ourselves in order
to reach one goal: Answer all your lighting needs.
This catalogue is made for you.
Read it carefully: the future is under your eyes.
A very wide range
for many dierent needs
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