Cash Register User's Manual

4.14 Advertisement Message Programming (Submode 31)
4.14 Advertisement Message Programming (Submode 31)
An advertisement message (max. 120 characters; 24 characters x 5 lines) to be printed on the footer
portion of receipt can be programmed here.
Anytime outside a sale
Control Lock: SET
31 [#/NS] |Line No.
| [#/NS] Character entry [AT/TL] [#/NS]
NOTES: 1. Entering 2 digits of numeric code provides an alphanumeric character of Advertisement
Message. Therefore, odd number of numeric digit entry will cause an error. When less than 48
digits of numeric data are entered, this ECR uses space code entry. If an Advertisement
Message includes spaces at the beginning, entering space code is required at the beginning of
data entry. For the Advertisement Message, up to 24 regular-sized or 12 double-sized
characters can be entered. Also a combination of both types can be entered.
2. Advertisement Message programmed here is not printed on the journal at the item entry
Example) To program the following Store Message and Advertisement Message
2 digits (01 to 05)
Max. 24 characters
Repeat for other lines.
Line No. 1
Line No. 2
Line No. 3
Line No. 4
Line No. 5
B a r g a i n s a l e s o n e v e r y
T u e s d a y .
C o m e t o s a v e m o n e y !