Cash Register User's Manual

For the purpose of classifying merchandise and for convenience of PLU report applications, any of the following
methods may be taken according to each store’s requirement:
1. Coding With Linked Department Code
In this method, the PLU’s linked Department Code should be contained in the PLU Code.
ex.) Department Code Its Linking PLU Codes
1 100, 101, 102, 103 ... 199
12 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203 ... 1299
If the linked Department Code is contained in the top 2 digits of the PLU code, as in the above examples, the
following merits are expected:
1) The store cashiers and other clerks may easily see each PLU’s link Department.
2) In PLU report takings, “Zone PLU Read/Reset”reports are effective, by designating the zone of all the
PLUs that link to the same Department.
ex.) To read all the PLUs linked to Dept. 12:
Zone-start PLU Code......1200
Zone-end PLU Code.......1299
(For more details, refer to Chapter 5.)
2. Coding With Type ID for Each Digit
This method is to give each digit numeric of the PLU code a certain meaning according to the merchandise,
colour, grade, size, wholesaler, etc.
Example using 4-digit code) -- in case of a clothing shop --
2 1 3 0
Merchandise serial No. assigned under the same number of the preceding digits.
Size ID (1 for Small, 2 for Medium, 3 for Large, etc.)
Color ID (0 for White, 1 for Gray, 2 for Black, etc.)
Wholesaler or Maker ID (1 for Company “A”, 2 for Company “B”, etc.)
3. Using Barcodes (source-marking EAN or UPC barcodes)
If most of the sale items in the store are printed with a source-marking EAN or UPC barcodes, the code (the
human-readable numerics attached to the barcode print) may be entered as it is. Some items are printed with 13-
digit code, and others with 8-digit code. Thus this method is possible only when the option “PLU Code max. 13
digits” is selected.
The merit of this system is that you can simply read and enter the source-marked code rather than generating an
original code for each PLU item. If the barcode No. is used, however, it is recommended to adopt the “Scanning
System Type”.
4. Combining Methods 1, 2, and 3
When the option “PLU Code max. 13 digits” is selected, some combinations of the above three methods are
Example 1) Combining Methods 1 and 2:
x x x x x x
Type IDs described in Method 2
Linked Department Code described in Method 1
6.9 PLU Programmed Data Copying