Printer Accessories User Manual

MJ-1103/1104 © 2008, 2009 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved
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[B] Mulch-active drop mechanism section
The paper transported to the buffer tray is then moved to the finishing tray by the mulch-active drop
mechanism to be aligned or stapled.
(1) The paper on the buffer tray is pulled into the finishing tray side by the reverse rotation of the
buffer roller drive motor (M4).
In this step the paper pushing arm motor (M10) holds the trailing edge of the paper with the paper
pushing plate.
Then the catching solenoid (SOL1) is turned ON to rotate the catching pad, and the catching pad
thus catches the paper with the paddle guides.
Fig. 3-11
Paper pusher home position sensor
Paper holder cam
Paper pushing arm motor
Paper pushing plate
Paddle guide
Catching pad