User Manual

Cook by power level
By default, your microwave oven will cook at Power 10 (maximum power). To cook at a
specific power, say “Alexa, microwave for X on power Y,” where X is the amount of time
you’d like to cook for and Y is the power level.
For example, to cook at power 5 for 3 minutes, say “Alexa, microwave for 3 minutes on
power 5.”
You can also ask your microwave oven to cook at high, medium, or low power.
For example, to cook on medium power for 5 minutes, say “Alexa, microwave for 5
minutes on medium.”
“Alexa, microwave for X on power Y.”
4. Speedy Cooking
a. In waiting state, instant cooking at 100% power level can be started by select a
cooking time from 1 to 6 minutes by pressing number pads1 to 6. Press
" START/+30SEC. " to increase the cooking time; The maximum cooking time is 99
minutes and 99 seconds.
b. In waiting state, instant cooking at 100% power level with 30 seconds' cooking time
can be started by pressing " START/+30SEC. ". Each press on the same button will
increase cooking time by 30 seconds. The maximum cooking time is 99 minutes and
99 seconds.
c. Press " COOK TIME /CLOCK" twice and adjust cooking time,then press
" START/+30SEC. " to start cooking with full microwave power.
d. At the end of cooking, the bee rings and returns to standby status.
• Under microwave and time defrost states, press " START/+30SEC. "
button to increase cooking time by 30 seconds.
• Under sensor menu cooking and weight defrost state, time cannot be
added by pressing " START/+30SEC. " button.
When your microwave is in use, you can ask it to cook for additional time by saying ,
“Alexa, add X to the microwave,” where X is the amount of time you’d like to add. For
example, to add 2 minutes to the cooking time while the microwave is already running,
say “Alexa, add 2 minutes to the microwave.”
“Alexa, add X to the microwave.”