Owner's manual

13.4.4 Supported Object Details
Binary Input Objects
BI1 ........ Indicates whether the drive is running or stopped. ASD parameter FE01,
BI2 ........ Indicates whether the drive is running in the forward or reverse direction.
ASD parameter FE01, bit #9.
BI3 ........ Indicates the status of the "F" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#0.
BI4 ........ Indicates the status of the "R" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#1.
BI5 ........ Indicates the status of the "ST" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#2.
BI6 ........ Indicates the status of the "RES" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#3.
BI7 ........ Indicates the status of the "S1" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#4.
BI8 ........ Indicates the status of the "S2" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#5.
BI9 ........ Indicates the status of the "S3" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#6.
BI10 ...... Indicates the status of the "S4" programmable input terminal. ASD
parameter FE06, bit#7.
BI11 ...... Indicates the status of the "OUT1" programmable output terminal. ASD
parameter FE07, bit#0.
BI12 ...... Indicates the status of the "OUT2" programmable output terminal. ASD
parameter FE07, bit#1.
BI13 ...... Indicates the status of the "FL" programmable output terminal. ASD
parameter FE07, bit#2.
Binary Output Objects
Note that the drive will only use the commands indicated in BO1, BO2 and BO5 if the
Command Mode parameter is set to "Communication Interface Input Enabled", or if
the "command override" bit (BO7) is ON.
BO1 ...... Run/stop command. ASD parameter FA06, bit#10.
BO2 ...... Forward/reverse command. ASD parameter FA06, bit#9.
BO3 ...... Forces the drive to fault "Emergency Off". ASD parameter FA06, bit#12.
BO4 ...... Resets the drive when it is faulted. ASD parameter FA06, bit#13.