Maintenance Manual

3.30 Sound Test program 3 Tests and Diagnostics
3-84 [CONFIDENTIAL] Satellite A50S/TECRA A3X Maintenance Manual (960-534)
3 Tests and Dia tics
3.30 Sound Test program
This section describes how to perform the Sound test. To execute the sound test, refer to the
following description.
Insert the test program disk for Sound test in the floppy disk drive and turn on the power. The
following message will appear:
###### WSS, Sound blaster pro Diagnostics program ######
* *
* 1 ............ Sound (Standard) *
* *
* 2 ............ Sound (Legacy) *
* *
* 3 ............ CD Sound (Standard) *
* *
* 4 ............ CD Sound (Legacy) *
* *
* ---It outputs at the speaker and lineout--- *
* *
.... Press test number[1-4] ?
Input the test number and press Enter.
3.30.1 Sound (Standard) test
To execute the Sound (Standard) test, press 1 and Enter. The following menu will appear in
the display.
###### ICH4-M + AD1981A Diagnostics program ######
* *
* 1 ............ (Microphone recording & play) *
* 2 ............ (Sine wave) *
* 3 ............ (Line IN recording & play) *
* *
* 9 ............ Exit to Main *
* *
.... Press test number[1-3, 9] ?