User guide

Basic Skills
Pop-up Menus
With pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action . For example, you
can use the pop-up menu in the contact list to quickly delete a contact,
make a copy oP a contact, or send an e-mail message to a contact. The
actions in the pop-up menus vary Prom program to program. To access a
pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item name that you want to
perPorm the action on. When the menu appears, liPt the stylus, and tap the
action you want to perPorm. To close the menu without perPorming an
action, tap anywhere outside the menu.
• Tap and hold to display the pop-up menu.
Lift the stylus and tap the action you want.
• Tap outside the menu to close it without performing
an action.
Your device reminds you in a variety oP ways when you have something to
do. For example, iP you’ve set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with
a due date in Tasks, or an alarm in Clock, you’ll be notiPied in any oP the
Pollowing ways:
A message box appears on the screen
A sound, which you can speciPy, is played
A light Plashes on your device
To choose reminder types and sounds for your device, tap ^ and then
Settings. In the Personal tab, tap Sounds & Notifications. The options
you choose here apply throughout the device.
User's Manual