
User’s Manual iv
Always request and obtain prior consent and approval of an authorized
airline representative before using your Pocket PC aboard an aircraft.
Always follow the instructions of the airline representative whenever using
your Pocket PC aboard an aircraft, to prevent any possible interference
with airborne electronic equipment. Your Pocket PC produces low levels of
RF energy due to the generation of digital timing pulses by its clock
oscillator circuits. Your Pocket PC has been equipped with internal
shielding to minimize any stray emissions of RF energy. Airlines may
nevertheless prohibit the on-board use of all portable PCs (and all other
portable electronic devices that could potentially emit stray RF energy),
particularly during take-offs and landings, to prevent any possible
interference with the reception of signals by airborne electronic navigational
Certain locations, such as hospitals, may restrict the use of Pocket PCs
and other devices that emit low-level RF energy.
Always comply was posted prohibitions of the use of RF-emitting devices,
such as in hospitals. Failure to follow such directives could result in the
interference with medical equipment and/or devices.
Never come closer than 16 cm (6 inches) to a person with a heart
pacemaker implant when using this Pocket PC in combination with a
mobile cellular telephone. Failure to do so could result in interference with
the function of the pacemaker.
Never use a Pocket PC while driving an automobile or any other moving
vehicle. Always pull out of traffic and come to a stop in a legally permissible
and safe location before using your Pocket PC. Failure to do so could result
in serious bodily injury in a traffic accident.
Never use your Pocket PC while walking. Usage while walking could result
in bodily injury caused by inattention to automobile traffic or other
pedestrian hazards.
Never allow metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips, to enter
inside your Pocket PC. Metallic objects, such as staples and paper clips, if
allowed to enter your Pocket PC, could cause the generation of excess
heat or fire.
Never connect terminals (metal parts) to metallic objects (such as wires).
Connecting terminals to metal objects could cause excessive heat or fire.
Always immediately turn the battery switch to the “off” position and
disconnect the AC Adaptor from the power outlet in the event the Pocket
PC emits an unusual odor or sound or generates smoke.