
Chapter 10: Bluetooth
3. Tap and hold on the name of the device to which you want to con-
nect, then tap Update Service on the pop-up menu.
The Bluetooth Authentication screen appears on Local Device.
4. Enter the Bluetooth passkey (PIN Code) within 20 seconds and tap
The Bluetooth passkey can be a maximum of 16 alphanumeric char-
acters. Depending on the remote device, the Bluetooth passkey may
be a fixed value with a limit on the number of digits, so be sure to
confirm these conditions.
If the Security Mode on either Local Device or the remote device is
set to Security On, authentication is performed to confirm the remote
device when connecting.
If either device has already been authenticated or the Security Mode
on either Local Device or the remote device is set to Non-secure, the
Bluetooth Authentication screen does not appear.
A message is displayed on the screen indicating that the service
information is being updated.
It may take several minutes to complete the service update. You are
now prepared to connect with Bluetooth.