
Chapter 2: Basic Skills
3. If using headphones, select the Headphone tab and make adjust-
Setting microphone recording levels
Your Toshiba Pocket PC e830 has three settings that adjust the built-in
microphone levels to capture the highest quality recordings:
Interview—Use this when recording within 4 inches (10 cm).
Conference—Use this when recording over 4 inches and less than 20
inches (50 cm).
Custom—Use this when you want to the most control over your
recording. You can select between Auto Gain Control (AGC) and man-
ual gain settings that either increase, decrease or set a limit on the
recording level.
1. Tap Start, then Settings. On the System tab, tap Microphone.
2. Select one the three settings. If you select Custom, tap Configure
to adjust the recording levels. When Auto Gain Control is selected,
control over Volume, Mute, and Boost are is not available.
Checking System Information
The System Information program displays the system information such
as CPU clock, CPU stepping, Boot Loader Version, OS Version, PIC Ver-
sion, MAC address (Toshiba Pocket PC e830W only), and UUID. The
Microphone settings can be controlled by third-party