User Guide

Applications & multimedia
Applications & multimedia
Send to your space - to send the selected
picture to your live space.
Finding and listing pictures
To find and list pictures:
From within the Pictures & Videos application, tap
My Pictures and select a folder from the list.
Sorting pictures and videos
To sort pictures and videos:
1. From within the Pictures & Videos application,
tap the downward arrow at the top right of the
screen. The text will change to Sort By.
2. Select the item to sort by from N
ame, Date and
Sending a picture or video
1. From within the Pictures & Videos application,
select Menu > S
2. Select the sending method.
3. Enter the destination number and tap Send.
Tap Menu for a list of additional options.
For information on this feature, please refer to the
Searching subsection in Text input.
SIM Manager
SIM Manager enables you to copy contact
information from your Toshiba phone to your SIM
card, or from your SIM card to your Toshiba phone.
To use SIM Manager:
1. From the Today screen, tap Start > P
> SIM Manager.
2. Tap the SIM or Phone picture to display the
contacts on the SIM card or phone respectively.
3. Tap Menu to access the following options:
- D
elete - to delete the selected contacts.
- C
opy to Phone / Copy to SIM - to copy the
selected SIM contacts to the phone, or the
selected phone contacts to the SIM card.
- S
elect All - to select all of the listed contacts.
- U
nselect All - to unselect all of the listed