
Technology in multisplit systems
When it is necessary to provide total comfort solution for a multi-room application,
Toshiba multisplit systems offer the perfect answer for any kind of requirement.
One outdoor unit is capable of operating 2, 3, 4 or 5 indoor units. They are compact and
elegant as they are designed to blend in with any room interior. In fact, Toshiba offers a
wide range of possibilities to create all the comfort you desire.
The full range of indoor units can satisfy every kind of need: it includes unobtrusive
ducted units, console units and modern high walls, that provide hi-tech and
sophisticated design and complete air filtration at the same time. Moreover, the
efficient inverter systems are composed of high quality components: control
electronics, motor, compressor etc.
Toshiba solutions are studied and verified in every tiny element and are recognised
universally by air conditioning professionals for their total reliability. In fact, for Toshiba
quality has always been a priority and today and into the future, the quality of Toshiba
products will continue to differentiate us from other manufacturers.