
See also: blind transfer (p. G-4), external transfer (p. G-12), private branch exchange
(PBX) (p. G-20), supervised transfer (p. G-24), switch (p. G-24)
Trunk An analog phone line or a single channel of a digital line. Also, the Strata CS
representation of that line or channel.
See also: analog trunk (p. G-3), digital trunk (p. G-10)
Trunk License A license purchased from Toshiba for each trunk connected to Strata
Unified Messaging Also called: integrated messaging
The ability to access all messaging (for example, voice mail, e-mail, and fax) in one place,
such as the phone or an e-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook.
User A person using a software product. In Strata CS, a person with a Strata CS phone
who is added as a user in the Strata CS Administrator.
See also: Administrator (Strata CS program) (p. G-2)
Validation Process by which Strata CS checks a number that has been entered, and
does not proceed unless the number matches the correct criteria. Validation can be set up
for account codes entered by users, and custom data entered by callers to a call center.
See Also: account code (p. G-1), call center (p. G-4)
Voice File File containing an audio sample that has been digitized into a format such
as VOX or WAV.
See also: VOX file (p. G-26), WAV file (p. G-27)
Voice Mail The audio recordings left by callers and stored in an electronic mailbox.
See also: voice mailbox (p. G-26)
Voice Mailbox The folder or location in which a voice mail messages are stored.
Voice mailboxes typically have a limited amount of space for messages.
See also: voice mail (p. G-26)
Voice Title The recorded name of a Strata CS user or contact. Voice titles are played
whenever a caller searches the Strata CS dial-by-name directory and to announce a call
from another user. Users can create voice titles for their contacts and set Strata CS to play
them when the contacts call.
VOX File One of two major voice file formats used in telephony. VOX files are highly
compressed and are designed for telephone lines where the frequency range is between 6
and 8KHz.
See also: WAV file (p. G-27)