User's Manual

Table Of Contents
7.14 Remote Lock
To prevent your personal computer (PC) from being operated by others when
you are not at the place, you may lock your personal computer or logoff your
account, and when you come back to your personal computer, you may unlock it.
Usually these operations are troublesome and companied with the password
inputting. SP1 Remote PC Lock/Unlock application is to be designed to simplify
these operations only by pushing a button on the screen of SP1, if you are an Sp1
user. The communication between PC and SP1 is realized by bluetooth.
At the PC side, a service program is running, which waits lock and unlock
commands (requests) from SP1 side by monitoring bluetooth communication
status. If a lock or unlock command comes, the service program locks or unlocks
PC by calling the functions of Gina (Graphical Identification and Authentication).
There are three types of lock methods, Screen Lock, Screen Saver, Logoff.
There is a registration program in PC side that makes the linkage relation of PC
and SP1. By running this program, you can select a lock type, input the password,
make a PC name, and send that information to SP1 side. After having received
acknowledgement from SP1 side, and if acknowledgement is “Yes”, the
registration finishes and the linkage relation will be saved into the memory media
of 2 sides. Then you can lock and unlock your personal computer by pushing of
button on the screen of SP1.
The pictures are shown below to give you a brief outline of lock/unlock