User's Manual

Inserting text
To insert text in the message:
1. Tap notepad or > Insert > Text....
2. Enter text. To insert predefined text, tap
or tap > Insert My Text..., then select
the text to insert.
You can also insert emoticon, favorite,
contact, and calendar by tapping , ,
, and , respectively, or selecting these
options from .
3. Tap Done or OK when you have finished
inserting text.
Inserting audio
To insert audio in the message:
1. Tap or > Insert > Audio.... A list of
all audio files in the current folder is displayed.
2. Either select an audio file,
launch the Audio Recorder and capture a
new audio by tapping or tapping >
Capture > Audio....
Inserting file
To insert file in the message:
1. Tap , or > Attachment....
2. Tap , , or to add vCard, vCalendar,
or any file, respectively, or select these
options from .
3. Select a required item, then tap OK.
To use or create a template:
Tap Menu > Template.
Tap Select a Template... to select a template to
use for a new MMS message, or Save as
Template to save the current MMS message as
a template for future use.
To preview the message before sending, tap
To cancel the message without sending it, tap
> Cancel Message.
To select a background colour for the message,
tap > Options > Background, then tap
the required colour.
You can also set the priority of the message, a
delivery time delay for the sending of the