
cting the Sound Enhancement (E.A.M.*)
You can easily switch a preferred audio enhancement.
*E.AM.: Enhanced Audio Mode
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Press E.A.M.
E.A.M. The sound enhancement menu
0 appears.
Press E.A.M. repeatedly or move the
cursor control (A / V) to select the
sound enhancement.
E.A.M.0 Normal:
A ......... Normal sound.
3D (N-2-2):
To obtain expansive virtual surround
sound effects from just two
_ Dialogue:
To control critical center channel
information to make dialogue more
intelligible (only when playing a DVD
video disc recorded on the Dolby
Digital recording system).
To use this enhancement on
sounds output from the
AUDIO OUT jack, be sure to set
"Audio Out Select" to "PCM". [_
To exit the audio enhancement selection
Press ENTER.
Alternatively leave the DVD player unattended for about
5 seconds after having made a selection.
Actual effects to sounds may vary depending on the speaker
systems. Make selection according to your preference.
Actual effects to sounds may vary depending on the disc.
When the DVD player is connected to an amplifier equipped
with Dolby Pro Logic Surround, select "Normal".
Otherwise, Dolby Pro Logic Surround may function
differently than usual.
Selecting "Dialogue" disables "Dynamic Range Control"
function [_.
When "Audio Out Select" [_ is set to "Analog 6ch,"
"3D (N-2-2)" and "Dialogue" are ineffective.
Spatializer _ 3-Dimensional Sound Processing provided by Desper
Products. Inc.
Certain audio features of this product manufactured under a license
from Desper Products, Inc., Spatializer _ and the circle-in-square
device are trademarks owned by Desper Products, Inc.