
4:3 Normal:
4:3 Let_rbox:
"RIShape _ 4:3 Normal
4:3 Lette_ Box
OUD Menu I._m F'_ L._'t mqi
Subtitle English French
A_lo English Spanish
0VO Menu Bogli_h
DivX WesternEurope
Sebct when a standard 4:3 TV is
Displays pictures cropped to flit
your TV screen. Either or both
sides of the picture are cut off.
Select when a standard 4:3 TV is
Displays theatrical images with
masking bars above and bebw the
picture. When playing a source of
16:9 picture size.
Select when a 16:9 wide TV is
Use this setting when using the
player's LCD monitor.
English: To view on-screen displays in English.
French: To view omscreen displays in French.
Spanish: To viewon-screen displays in Spanish.
English: To display subtitles in English.
French: To display subtitles in French,
Spanish: To display subtitles in Spanish.
Off: To display no subtitles.
Some DVD video discs may be set to display subtitles
in a different language than you selected. A prior
subtitle language may be programmed on the disc.
Some DVD video discs allow you to change subtitle
selections only via the disc menu. If this is the case,
press the MENU button and choose the appropriate
subtitle language from the selection on the disc menu.
The displayable picture size is preset on the DVD video
disc. Therefore, the playback picture of some DVD video
discs may not conform to the picture size you select.
When you play DVD video discs recorded in the 4:3
picture size only, the playback picture always appears in
the 4:3 picture size regardless of the TV shape setting.
If you select "16:9 Widescreen" and you own a 4:3 TV
set, the OV{b playback picture will be horizontally
distorted during playback. Images will appear to be
horizontally compressed. Always be sure that your TV
shape conforms to the actual TV in use.
When you want to output from the player to an
external device, select the video signal to output.
For S-Video output, connect the player and a
compatible device with an S-Video cab)e. [_
For interlaced or progressive output, connect the
player and a compatible device with a component
video cable. [_
Off: Set this to use the monitor of the
CVBS/S-VlDEO: Set this to output from a connection
to the AV-OUT terminal or S-Video
Component-480i: Set this to enable interlaced output
from a connection to the component
Component-480p: Set this to enable progressive output
from a connection to the component
English: To play sound tracks in English.
French: To play sound tracks in French.
Spanish: To play sound tracks in Spanish.
Some DVD video discs may be played in a different
language than you sebcted. A prior language may be
programmed on the disc.
English: To display disc menus in English.
French: To display disc menus in French.
Spanish: To display disc menus in Spanish.
Some DVD video discs may not include your pre-
selected language, in this case, the player automatically
displays disc menus consistent with the disc's initial
language setting.