User's Manual

Creating messages
Creating an SMS message
The Short Message Service (SMS) allows you to
exchange text messages with other phones. For
details on SMS, contact your service provider.
Your Toshiba phone supports the sending of more
than the standard 160-character limit. If you enter
more than 160 characters, the message is split into
linking SMS messages. You can send up to five
linked SMS messages at one time.
To create and send a SMS message:
1. In standby mode, press the Centre key. The
main menu is displayed.
2. Select Messages > Create message > SMS.
The SMS screen is displayed.
3. Enter a message and press the Centre key.
4. Enter the phone number of the person you are
sending the SMS to and press the Centre key.
To add a number from the Contacts list, select
Add from Address Book. The message is
sent and saved in Sent messages.
Creating an MMS message
The Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) allows
you to exchange multimedia messages containing
data such as text, pictures, sounds, animation and
video clips. For details on MMS, contact your
service provider.
To create and send an MMS message:
1. In standby mode, press the Centre key. The
main menu is displayed.
2. Select Messages > Create message > MMS.
The MMS screen is displayed.
3. Select Options > Add item. Add the picture,
text, video, sound or contact and press the
Centre key. To write a subject for the MMS
message, select Options > Add subject.
4. Enter the phone number or e-mail address of
the person you are sending the MMS to and
press the Centre key. To add a number from
the Contacts list, select Add from Address
Book. The message is sent and saved in Sent
TIP: To check an MMS message before
sending, select Options > Preview MMS.