User's Manual

Health and safety
Health and safety
Always use your Toshiba phone in the intended
manner. Incorrect usage may affect
performance. Only qualified service personnel
should install or repair the phone and its
To avoid permanent damage to your Toshiba
phone, use only compatible batteries and
Before connecting your Toshiba phone to
another device, read the supporting
documentation to confirm that the other device is
When making emergency calls from your
Toshiba phone, ensure that the phone is
switched on and in service.
Interference may affect the performance of your
Toshiba phone. If the display indicates a poor
signal adjust your physical location to be clear of
obstructions that may block the signal.
When your Toshiba phone is used for extended
periods of time, especially in high temperature
conditions, the phone surface could become
hot. Please use caution when touching the
phone under such conditions.
When using ear buds or other headphones, be
careful not to listen at excessive volumes.
Listening to very loud sound levels may lead to
hearing loss. Also, listening through the ear
buds or headphones for prolonged periods of
time, even at normal sound levels, may lead to
hearing loss. You should consult your doctor for
more information on proper use of ear buds or
Operating environment
Do not handle your Toshiba phone while driving
or when operating machinery. If you must
handle the phone while driving, park the vehicle
before conversing. If using an integrated hands
free device, make sure the phone is securely
placed in its holder.
Switch your Toshiba phone off if you are
entering a hospital or health care facilities.
Medical equipment may be affected by phone
usage. Always follow building regulations
governing phone usage.
Switch your Toshiba phone off when travelling
on an aircraft. The phone signal may interfere