Electronic Computing Scale Owner's Manual

16.3 By-Count Operation
Changing the Selling Quantity and Unit Price:
1. Call the PLU.
2. Input the selling quantity (max. 99) and touch the [FOR] key. (e.g.: 10)
3. Input the unit price ($0.00 to $99.99). (e.g.: $8.00)
4. Touch the [PRT/*] key. A label is issued.
1. To continue to issue the same label, touch the [PRT/*] key repeatedly.
2. When performing the strip issue in the Auto mode, the next label is automatically issued by removing the
printed label from the media outlet.
3. To change the quantity for the same PLU, touch the [CLEAR] key.
4. To call another PLU, touch the [CLEAR] key and [PLU] key. Then input the PLU No. and touch the
[PLU] key.
US model
CA model
PRT/* key
PRT/* key
FOR key
FOR key