Owner manual

Strata CIX ACD Agent/Supervisor Telephone 05/06 17
Call Features 3
This chapter describes ACD call features for Agents and Supervisors, including:
Answering Calls
ACD Call Pickup
•ACD Help
•Work Unit
Agent Assistance Call (Supervisor)
Call Monitor/Join Call (Supervisor)
Feature Interaction
Strata provides the ACD features from system-resident software. The following
features are affected when your station is logged in as Agent:
Call Forwarding – All types of Call Forwarding from extension numbers and
phantom extension numbers are allowed. ACD calls do not forward, but PBX and
non-ACD calls do forward in the normal manner.
Station Do Not Disturb (DND) – The Station DND feature does not operate when
your station receives an ACD call. DND only applies to non-ACD or PBX calls
directed to your extension.