Owner manual

Related Documents/Media
Strata CIX ACD Agent/Supervisor Telephone 05/06 v
Related Documents/Media
Some documents listed here may appear in different versions on the
CD-ROM or in print. To find the most current version, check the version/date in the
Publication Information on the back of the document’s title page.
Refer to the following for more information:
Strata CIX Call Center Solutions General Description
Strata CIX ACD Supervisor User Guide
Strata CIX ACD Installation Guide
Strata CIX IPT/DKT Telephone User Guide
Strata CIX Call Center Solutions Application Software and Documentation
Library for Strata ACD, Insight, OAISYS Net Server, and OAISYS Voice
OAISYS includes software and documentation for OAISYS Chat, Call Router, and
Net Phone
For authorized users, Internet site FYI (http://fyi.tsd.toshiba.com) contains all current
Strata CIX documentation and enables you to view, print and download current