Net Phone User Guide

Personal Call Handler
Creating Personal Call Handling Rules
102 Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08
Status is Idle – Whenever the station
is idle and the DND button is toggled
or whenever an ACD agent ends
“wrapup” time and becomes available
to take a call.
Do Not Disturb Status – Select
whether the station is to be
considered idle when the DND
Status is...
ACD Agent Status – Check the
box to trigger when an agent goes
idle after completing the “wrap-
Change in DND Status – Whenever
the DND or message status change
takes place, the message set is
checked to see if it matches the
defined conditions.
Do Not Disturb Change – Select
the DND Status change to cause
the trigger. For the item with a
message to match, enter the
beginning characters of the
message. See Like Matches and
Unlike Matches for use of
Affected Phone – Select whether
this rule will be based upon My Phone or My Secondary Extension.