Operation Manual

• Press [Display] again
Press [Display] again to erase this OSD.
(2) When CD/VCD is playing.
Press [Display] again to erase this OSD.
12. Multimedia fi les on DVD/CD playback
(1) Load a disc on which Multimedia fi les have been recorded in the disc slot.
(2) A fi le menu screen will appear on the screen.
Press to change folder window, fi le window, or fi le type buttons.
To change fi le types to play, press until fi le type display button is highlighted. And
select following one fi le type icon desired and press
MP3: Divx:
(3) In fi le window, press or Number buttons (0-9) to select the desired folder/fi le.
The selected fi le starts playing back.
(4) Press
to end playback.
File name can’t be displayed correctly in some languages such as Japanese, Chinese,
and Korea etc.
Supported Divx fi le: ver. 3.11/4.0/5.x
A le name must incorporate “mp3”, “divx”, or “avi” extension.