Instruction Manual

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MA-1350-1 SERIES
NOTE: Entry of a negative department can be programmed to require the MGR position of the Control Lock. If
so programmed, an error will occur on entering the negative department in the REG position. In this
case, ask the store manager to turn the Control Lock to the MGR position for the entry. (Refer to the
chapter 1. Operations in “MGR” Mode on page 1 in Manager’s Guide.).
2) Repeat Entry
Open-price Department
Preset-price Department
NOTE: A negative department cannot be repeated.
3) Quantity Extension (Multiplication)
Open-price Department
Preset-price Department
. . .
Price; Max. 7 digits
Same Department key
MEAT 7.00 TF
MEAT 7.00 TF
Same Department key
. . .
. . .
Unit Price
Max. 6 digits
. . .
12X 0.50 @
FISH 6.00 TF
Unit Price
Department Name
NOTES: 1. Quantity... Max. 6 digits (Max. 3 digits for integer + max. 3 digits for decimal. Use the [ . ] key
if a decimal portion is contained.)
Unit Price ... Max. 6 digits
Product (result of multiplication) ... Must not exceed 7 digits.
2. When the Quantity is 1-digit integer (1 to 9) and a Preset-price Department key follows, the
[@/FOR] key is omissible.
3. The decimal portion of the Quantity entry is processed down to the 2 digits below the decimal
point. The fraction rounding at this time is fixed to ROUND OFF.
4. You can select the rounding process of the fractions of the product —ROUND OFF (initial
setting), ROUND UP, or ROUND DOWN. (Ask your TOSHIBA TEC representative.)