User Guide

Call functions
Call functions
Other operations during a video call
To use the zoom, press the Up or Down
Navigation keys.
To adjust brightness, press the Right or Left
Navigation keys.
To view the list of other operations during a video
call, select Options whilst you are on a video call.
You can perform the following operations:
Mute(Unmute) video: mute or unmute the
outgoing video. If you select mute video, the
Videomute picture will be transmitted.
Mute(Unmute) sound: mute or unmute only
outgoing sound.
Pause(Resume) outgoing: pause or resume
outgoing video.
Pause(Resume) incoming: pause or resume
incoming video.
Full/Split-Screen: select the screen display
Frame rate: select the frame rate, low (7fps) or
high (15fps).
White balance: select the white balance from
auto, indoor or outdoor.
Flicker adjustment: set the frame rate for the
video call.
Send picture: send a picture in My files during
the video call.
Speakerphone: turn the speakerphone option
on and off.
Switch to voice call: stop the video call and
switch to voice call.
Use Bluetooth (phone): transfers the call to the
accessory currently in use/to the phone.
Add to contacts: add the phone number to
TIP: Rotate the camera to show your caller
a panoramic view of your surroundings.