Operation Manual

Basic Operations
Personal Identification Number (PIN) Code
The SIM card has two security codes: PIN code and PIN2 code. For
details on the PIN/PIN2 code, contact your service provider.
PIN Code
This is a four to eight digit security code to prevent another person
from using your SIM card without permission.
If the PIN code request is set to On (page 139), your PIN code needs
to be entered to use your phone each time the power is turned on.
You can change the initial number set at the time of purchase (page
PIN2 Code
This is a four to eight digit security code that needs to be entered for
operations such as modifying data saved to the SIM card. You can
change the initial number set at the time of purchase (page 139).
PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) Code
If the PIN code or PIN2 code is incorrectly entered three times in a
row, the PIN/PIN2 lock is set. To cancel the PIN/PIN2 lock, enter the
PUK code or PUK2 code. For details on the PUK/PUK2 code, contact
your service provider.
Your security code, centre access code and call barring service code
are required for using your phone.
Security Code
Your security code is 0000 or the four-digit number you selected
when you concluded your contract. It is required to use functions and
perform operations on your phone. To change the security code, see
page 139.
Centre Access Code
Your centre access code is the four-digit number you selected when
you concluded your contract. It is required to perform optional service
operations from a fixed-line phone.
Call Barring Service Code
Your call barring service code is the four-digit number you selected
when you concluded your contract. It is required to set call barring
(page 37).
en_TX62.book Page 22 Monday, May 29, 2006 5:12 PM