Car Satellite Radio System User Manual

User s Manual 7-1
Chapter 7
HW Setup
This chapter explains how to use TOSHIBA HW Setup program to congure your
computer. TOSHIBA HW Setup lets you congure settings for General, Password,
Display, Boot Priority, Keyboard, LAN, and USB.
Accessing HW Setup
To run HW Setup, click , All Programs, TOSHIBA, Utilities, HWSetup.
HW Setup Window
The HW Setup window contains the following tabs: General, Password, Display,
Boot Priority, Keyboard, USB and LAN . There are also these three buttons:
OK Accepts your changes and closes the HW Setup
Cancel Closes the window without accepting your changes.
Apply Accepts all your changes without closing the HW
Setup window.
Gener al
This window displays the BIOS version and contains two buttons:
Default Return all HW Setup values to the factory settings.
About Display the HW Setup version.
This eld displays BIOS Version and date.