PCS Vision Phone User's Guide

Assigning a Picture to an Entry
You can assign a picture to an internal Phone Book entry so the
picture will display for incoming calls from the specific caller.
To select a picture for an entry:
1. Press the navigation key right ( ) from standby mode. (Your
internal Phone Book list appears.)
2. Highlight the entry and press . (The Details screen
3. Select Edit (left softkey). (The Edit screen appears.)
4. Highlight the icon and press .
5. Highlight Dwnld. Screen Saver, In Camera, or Dwnld. / Assigned
and press . (Thumbnail pictures will display.)
Dwnld. Screen Saver includes Screen Savers downloaded
with the Downloads menu.
In Camera includes the pictures saved in your camera.
Dwnld. / Assigned includes the pictures downloaded to My
6. Using your navigation key, highlight the desired picture.
7. Select Select (left softkey). (The selected picture will display.)
8. Press . (You will return to the Edit screen.)
9. Select Save (left softkey) to save the entry.
To cancel the picture assignment from an entry:
1. Press the navigation key right ( ) from standby mode. (Your
internal Phone Book list appears.)
2. Highlight the entry and press . (The Details screen appears.)
3. Select Edit (left softkey). (The Edit screen appears.)
4. Highlight the icon and select Options (right softkey).
5. Highlight Remove and press . (You will be prompted to
6. Highlight Yes and press .
7. Select Save (left softkey) to save the changed entry.
Section 2: Understanding Your PCS Phone
2G: Using the Internal Phone Book 81