Portable Media Storage User Manual

3.2.1 File Meta Information for the Application Entity
The Application Entity Title is not relevant because this DICOM Reader AE only reads CD-R
3.2.2 Real-World Activity Real-World Activity - Review of X-ray Examination
DICOM Reader AE acts as a FSR when chosen by the operator. This AE reads the DICOMDIR
from the CD-R media and reads the SOP instances from the CD-R media.
3.2.3 Media Storage Application Profile
DICOM Reader AE uses the Application Profile defined in Table 2.
3.2.4 Information Object Definition and DICOMDIR keys
Information Object Definition and DICOMDIR keys are described in Chapter 8.
4 Augmented and Private Application Profiles
4.1 Augmented Application Profiles
DICOM Reader AE supports Augmented Application Profile: AUG-XABC-CD.
This is a extension of the standard Application Profile: STD-XABC-CD.
4.1.1 AUG-XABC-CD SOP Class Augmentations
None Directory Augmentations
None Other Augmentations
The following attributes used within the X-ray Angiographic Image files have the specified
Table 3
Attribute Name Tag Value
Modality (0008, 0060) XA
Rows (0028, 0010) 1024
Columns (0028, 0011) 1024
Bits Allocated (0028, 0100) 8
Bits Stored (0028, 0101) 8
4.2 Private Application Profiles
Not applicable to this product.
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