User's Manual

Table Of Contents
12.1 Set Up System Time
System time is the time displayed while the router is running. The system time you configure here will be
used for other time-based functions like Parental Controls. You can manually set how to get the system
Visit, and log in with the username and password you set for the router. Go to
Advanced > System Tools > Time Settings page.
To automatically synchronize the time:
1. In the Set The Time field, select Get automatically from the Internet.
2. Select your local Time Zone from the drop-down menu.
3. In the NTP Server I fileld, enter the IP address or domain name of your desired NTP Server.
4. In the NTP Server II fileld, enter the IP address or domain name of the second NTP Server. (Optional)
5. Click Obtion.
6. Click Save.
To manually set the date and time:
1. In the Set The Time field, select Manually.
2. Enter the current Date.
3. Set the current Time (In 24-hour clock format).
4. Click Save.
Chapter 12 Administrate Your Network63