User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 12
Customize Your Network Settings
¾ To hide SSID:
1. Go to Basic > Wireless.
2. Select Hide SSID, and your SSID won’t display when you scan for local wireless
networks on your wireless device and you need to manually join the network.
¾ To change the security option:
1. Go to Advanced > Wireless > Wireless Settings.
2. Select the wireless network 2.4GHz or 5GHz.
3. Select an option from the Security drop-down list. We recommend you don’t change
the default settings unless necessary. If you select other options, configure the
related parameters according to the help page.
In addition
Mode - Select a transmission mode according to your wireless client devices. It is
recommended to just leave it as default.
Channel Width - Select a channel width (bandwidth) for the wireless network.
Channel - Select an operating channel for the wireless network. It is recommended
to leave the channel to Auto, if you are not experiencing the intermittent wireless
connection issue.
Transmit Power - Select either High, Middle or Low to specify the data transmit power.
The default and recommended setting is High.