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TQ Aviation KTX2.0300
KTX2.A-MAN.0202.en._FCC geändert.docx Page 21 of 49
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The Symbols for Extended Squitter show the current operational status of ES transmission:
Indication Function Description
Extended Squitter on.
Letter “A” appears white
ADS-B out function is active and
transmitting messages
Extended Squitter on.
Letter “A” appears yellow
ADS-B out function is active but not
transmitting messages
Extended Squitter on
Letter “A” appears red
ADS-B out function is active and
transmitting type ZERO position mes-
sages or no position messages due to
missing position data (longitude, alti-
tude, latitude)
Extended Squitter off
Letter “A” disappears
No transmitting data
Figure 5: Extended Squitter