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TQ Aviation KTX2.0300
KTX2.A-MAN.0202.en._FCC geändert.docx Page 26 of 49
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ICAO regulations require Mode-S data to contain a valid flight identification (FID), to ensure
automatic exchange of flight plan and radar data. Commercial flights usually have their own
FIDs. General aviation FIDs should be the registration letters or numbers of the aircraft. The
FID must not be confused with the 24-bit Aircraft Address. The FID is left aligned and shown
in green characters. The FID may not contain blanks however the non-used most right char-
acters must be blank. The FID must start with the nationality code. Multiple Flight ID’s and Aircraft addresses
In case, the KTX2 transponder is used for multiple aircraft (e.g. in a portable station as used
in hot-air/gas filled balloons), up to eight FID’s can be stored in the KTX2 memory.
To every Flight ID, of course the appropriate Aircraft Address must be assigned in the same
way than for the use of one FID only.
In case multiple FID’s are stored in the memory, the KTX2 will prompt you to select one of
the stored FIDs each time it is turned on, before it goes into normal operating mode:
Further Flight ID’s are to be stored in the same way, like under chapter 3.1.2
If all eight possible ID’s have been stored, the following message appears:
Enter FID left-aligned, without any blanks or dashes (!), e.g.
DENWS for the marking D-ENWS. The last remaining digits
shall be filled with blanks.
FID containing blanks characters are invalid.
Missing FID disables mode-S operation and A/C-mode only
will be engaged.
See chapter “4 Self-Test, Errors and Warnings”