
LonTalk is a communications protocol developed by the Echelon Corporation.The LonMark
association develops control profiles using the LonTalk communication protocol. LonTalk is a unit
level communications protocol.
LonTalk Communications Interface for Chillers (LCI-C) provides a generic automation system with
the LonMark chiller profile inputs/outputs. In addition to the standard points,Trane provides other
commonly used network output variables for greater interoperability with any automation system.
The complete reference list ofTrane LonTalk points is available on the LonMark web site.
Trane controls or another vendor’s system can use the predefined list of points with ease to give
the operator a complete picture of how the system is running
Tracer Summit
The chiller plant control capabilities of theTraneTracer Summit building automation system are
unequaled in the industry. Trane’s depth of experience in chillers and controls makes us a well
qualified choice for automation of chiller plants using air-cooled chillers. Our chiller plant
automation software is fully pre-engineered and tested.
Required features:
LonTalk/Tracer Summit Interface (selectable option with chiller)
Building Control Unit (external device required)
Energy Efficiency
Sequences starting of chillers to optimize the overall chiller plant energy efficiency
Individual chillers operate as base, peak, or swing based on capacity and efficiency
Automatically rotates individual chiller operation to equalize runtime and wear
between chillers.
Evaluates and selects the lowest energy consumption alternative from an overall
system perspective.
Easy Operation and Maintenance
Remote monitoring and control
Displays both current operation conditions and scheduled automated control actions
Concise reports assist in planning for preventative maintenance and verifying performance
Alarm notification and diagnostic messages aid in quick and accurate troubleshooting
Tracer SC
TheTracer SC system controller acts as the central coordinator for all individual equipment devices
on aTracer building automation system. TheTracer SC scans all unit controllers to update
information and coordinate building control, including building subsystems such as VAV and
chiller water systems. With this system option, the full breadth of Trane’s HVAC and controls
experience are applied to offer solutions to many facility issues.The LAN allows building operators
to manage these varied components as one system from any personal computer with web access.
The benefits of this system are:
Improved usability with automatic data collection, enhanced data logging, easier to create
graphics, simpler navigation, pre-programmed scheduling, reporting, and alarm logs.
Flexible technology allows for system sizes from 30-120 unit controllers with any combination
of LonTalk or BACnet unit controllers.
LEED certification through site commissioning report, energy data collection measurement,
optimizing energy performance, and maintaining indoor air quality.
Energy savings programs include: fan pressure optimization, ventilation reset, and chiller plant
control (adds and subtracts chillers to meet cooling loads).