User's Manual

Table Of Contents
24 LT-9064 Rev A Altum AC 600 User Manual
In Figure 43, two tabs are shown at the top, wifi0:
Master “A600-2” and wifi1: ClientAltum_AC600”.
These correspond to the two radios in the window
The buttons are explained as follows.
Spectrum: Shows the Channel Scan Report and allows
you to run the Interference Analyzer.
Add: Allows you to add virtual access points (VAPs) to
the radio. By default, there is only one VAP on the
radio. Each VAP corresponds to one network.
Enable: Enables the radio.
Disable: Disables the radio.
Edit: Brings you to the configuration page of the
network. Clicking this button is equivalent to clicking
the corresponding tab above
5.3.1 Radio in AP Mode
When a radio is operating as an AP, the section for
Associated Stations shows a list of stations connected
to this device.
The MAC address, network name, received signal
strength, noise power, transmit rate, receive rate, and
transmission quality for each station are displayed.
5.3.2 Spectrum: Interference Analyzer for
For a radio in AP mode, clicking the Spectrum button
would bring up the Channel Scan Report page. Only
the radios that are enabled will be available for
scanning, and only the frequency band currently in
use will be scanned for each enabled radio (2.4-2.48,
5.15-5.25, 5.725-5.85, etc.)
Press the Radio 2 Scan button to look at the spectrum
for the 5 GHz Radio and Radio 1 Scan for 2.4 GHz.
You can click 'Radio 1 Scan' to do the full channel scan
again and get the latest results.
The results show the RF Channel and number of
neighbouring access points (not including the Altum
AC) along with the Min RSSI, Max RSSI, Noise Floor,
and Channel Load.
Figure 43: The Channel Scan Report.
Figure 42: The Associated Stations are also shown
on the Wireless Overview page.
Figure 41: The Wireless Overview page showing two