User's Manual

Table Of Contents
40 LT-9064 Rev A Glossary
A portion of a network that shares a
common address component. On TCP/IP
networks, subnets are defined as all
devices whose IP addresses have the
same prefix. For example, all devices
with IP addresses that start with
192.168.7 belong to the same subnet.
Transmission Control Protocol. This is a
protocol for transmitting data over the
Internet with guaranteed reliability and
in-order delivery.
User Datagram Protocol. This is a
protocol for transmitting data over the
Internet quickly but with no guarantee
of reliability or in-order delivery.
Virtual Access Point. A VAP simulates a
physical access point. A VAP is
configured on a per-radio basis. By
default, only one VAP is enabled. Up to
16 VAPs can be created for each radio,
each with its own SSID.
Virtual Private Network. This is a
network that enables IP traffic to travel
securely over a public TCP/IP network by
encrypting all traffic from one network
to another. The VPN uses tunneling to
encrypt all information at the IP level.
Wide Area Network. This is a network
that covers a broad area. The world's
most popular WAN is the Internet.
A software that allows the user to surf
the Internet.
Wireless Distribution System. This is a
system enabling the wireless
interconnection of access points in an
IEEE 802.11 network. It allows a wireless
network to be expanded using access
points without the traditional
requirement for a wired backbone to
link them.
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network.