User Manual

Configuration Essentials to Establish a Wireless Link
Trango Broadband Wireless — TrangoLINK-10 User Manual Rev. E 3.0 page 8
Chapter 3 Configuration
This section describes how to establish a basic wireless link between the MU and the RU, using the Browser
(HTTP) Interface. This section addresses only the most basic steps in establishing a link in the lab, or a bench-top
environment. It is highly recommended that you read the other sections of this manual to gain an understanding of
all important configuration parameters and procedures prior to deploying any wireless equipment.
In this section you will:
Learn about MU and RU Basic Configuration Screens and Parameters
Enter RU’s MAC address in the MU
Configure Other Basic MU Parameters
Configure Basic RU Parameters
Establish a Wireless Link
Evaluate Link Quality
The TrangoLINK-10 uses the concept of “association” to indicate that the MUs and RUs are communicating. If all
parameters are properly set, the RU will begin “listening” on each channel & polarization for an MU with its MAC
address programmed. Once an active MU is detected, the authentication and association process will begin.
Essentials to Establish a Wireless Link
RU Mac Address must be programmed into the MU
MU & RU must be in Opmode “ON”
If both of these parameters are met, and if the MU and RU are within range and properly aligned, the wireless link
will automatically establish itself and Ethernet traffic will begin to pass between the radios.
Note: This section utilizes the Browser Interface as the configuration tool. For the equivalent CLI commands,
see Appendix A.
Master Unit Configuration
Open a browser session with the MU and click the configuration link.