User's Manual

Read a Vehicle
Get into position for a clear sight of
and optimal EM read range.
Set Range based on distance to traffic.
Long: Vehicles 100 to 300 feet away
Medium: Vehicles 30 to 100 feet away
Short: Vehicles 30 feet away
Make sure the LOCK/READ switch is set to
In READ mode, the EM reads PAWS Sidekick
devices automaticallyyou do not have to
press any other switches.
Watch the EM display. As it reads, the EM
displays the vehicle information and
number of passengers.
In the example at right, the driver has set
the number of passengers to 3.
056 LHR NM
The number of passengers shown on the display should coincide with the number of
passengers visible in the vehicle.
If not, switch the EM to LOCK mode to capture the reading. If necessary, recall the reading in
question (refer to next section).
Lock & Recall Vehicle Reading
When you see a discrepancy between the EM
reading and the actual passenger count in a
vehicle, click the LOCK/READ switch to LOCK.
With the EM in Lock mode, you can step
through the last 3 vehicle readings to pull up
the one with the questionable passenger
PAWS ENFORCEMENT MODULE Installation and Operation v1.0 | Publication Number 16-0015-001 Page 5 of 6