User's Manual

2.0 Getting Started
2.5.6 Navigating the Display The Task Bar
e Task bar at the bottom of the screen displays the icon, an icon for the
active program, the current time, and system icons for utilities loaded in
memory. e Task bar includes menu names, buttons, and the keyboard
icon, which opens and closes the so input panel (SIP). e Task bar al-
lows the user to launch and close programs. The Onscreen Keyboard
e Onscreen Keyboard can be used to enter data using the stylus.
1. Tap the Keyboard icon in the Task Bar.
2. e onscreen keyboard will appear. Entering the Data
To select and open programs, tap Start > All Programs from the task
bar to open a list of available programs. Or if the program has an icon
on the desktop, double-tap it to open it.
ere are several ways to enter data on the unit once in an application:
• Usethestylusonthetouchscreen.
• Tohighlightthedesiredtext,dragthestylusacrossthedesiredtext,
or double-tap to select one word or triple-tap to select an entire line
or paragraph.
• Usethestyluswiththeonscreenkeyboard.Referto2.5.4 Enter-
ing Data
• ConnectakeyboardtotheUSBportonthetopoftheunit.Referto
2.5.4 Entering Data.
• Usethebarcodescannertoenterdata.PresstheTrigger to initiate
a scan. e scanned data will enter the current application’s open
window. Refer to 2.7.5 Reading 1D laser barcodes.
For more information on factory installed applications, Refer toSection
3.0 Operating the Unit on page 63.

Summary of content (23 pages)