User's Manual

G2 Laptop Interaction
The R2 is linked to the G2 laptop
system with the USB cable. This
connection provides the path for the
serial data coming from the R2 into
the G2 software.
Transceiver Status
In addition to the data, the R2 also
provides a “heartbeat” (a consistent
data indicator) to the G2 software.
This heartbeat notifies the G2
software that the R2 is operational.
The G2 software indicates this
status on the Activity Window.
GREEN indicates the R2 is
operational, while RED indicates a
data or power problem
Software Reset
If the R2 status indicator shows
RED, the user should first check the
power and USB cables. The user
can also place the windows cursor
directly over the indicator to see a
more detailed status.
If the user clicks on the indicator, a
command box will appear allowing
the user to Restart the serial port or
to view the active communication.
When performing these commands,
the user should be aware that the
restart could take a few minutes to
complete and that this could cause
the Windows OS to lock up if there
is a physical or driver problem with
the USB port.