User's Manual

Chapter 5: Initial Configuration of an EnRoute500
TR0153 Rev. E1 36
5 Initial Configuration of an EnRoute500
This user’s guide provides a comprehensive overview of all of the EnRoute500’s features and
configurable parameters. However, it is possible to deploy a network of EnRoute500s while
only changing a limited number of parameters. The list below will guide you through a minimal
configuration procedure that prepares a network of EnRoute500s for deployment.
Change the ‘admin’ password.
The default password should be changed to prevent
unauthorized access to the EnRoute500.
See section 8.1
Set the operating scheme for the EnRoute500
Most EnRoute500s will be configured as repeaters, with at least
one EnRoute500 per mesh neighborhood configured as a
See section 8.2
Set the node and mesh IDs
The node and mesh IDs uniquely identify an EnRoute500.
See section 8.3
Set the DNS servers
Specify DNS servers to allow hostnames to be resolved.
See section 8.6
Set the mesh radio channel
The mesh radios on all EnRoute500s in a mesh neighborhood
must be set to operate on the same channel.
See section 10.1
Set the mesh ESSID
Set the mesh interface ESSID to a common value for all
EnRoute500s in a mesh neighborhood. It should be different
than the ESSID for any adjacent mesh neighborhoods.
See section 10.2
Set the AES encryption key for the mesh
Change the default AES encryption key to prevent unauthorized
access to the mesh. The mesh encryption key must be the
same for all EnRoute500s in a mesh neighborhood.
See section 10.3
Set the mesh radio transmit power
Set the mesh power to the maximum allowed value to achieve
the best possible connectivity in the mesh.
See section 10.4
In addition to setting the parameters on the “Minimal Configuration” page,
OnRamp access should be disabled after initial programming. See section
8.16 for instructions on how to enable OnRamp access to the EnRoute500.