User's Manual

Chapter 8: System Settings
TR0153 Rev. E1 56
A primary and secondary DNS server can be set via the web interface using the “DNS” tab on
the “System Parameters” page.
Figure 28. Setting the DNS and Netbios server(s)
8.8 DNS Proxy Configuration
DNS proxy entries can be added to an EnRoute500 to force local resolution of host names to
IP addresses for the hosts in the proxy list. Use of a DNS proxy list on the EnRoute500 is a
two step process, first populating the host name/IP address pairs, and then enabling DNS
A list of hostname/IP address to be resolved locally can be specified using the ‘dnsproxy.hosts’
parameter in the ‘sys’ interface. If multiple hostname/IP address entries are specified, they
must be separated by semi-colons, as shown in the example below. DNS proxy must be
explicitly enabled using the ‘dnsproxy.enable’ parameter in the ‘sys’ interface after the list of
hosts has been specified.
> use sys
sys> set dnsproxy.enable=yes
sys> set dnsproxy.hosts=”;