User's Manual

Chapter 8: System Settings
TR0153 Rev. E1 62
automatically synchronize their clocks with the mesh gateway. The delay between following
completion of booting and when a repeater synchronizes its clock can be configured. This
delay is designed so that if the entire mesh network is rebooted at the same time, the gateway
can first synchronize to the external time server, then each repeater, following the delay, will
synchronize with the gateway.
The time synchronization will ensure that proper time stamps are displayed for entries in the
event logs that are available on the web GUI’s “Status” page.
The time synchronization server for a gateway is set with the ‘time.rfc868.server’ in the ‘sys’
interface. The example below shows how to set the time synchronization server.
> use sys
sys> set time.rfc858.server=””
The ‘time.sync_delay’ parameter in the ‘sys’ interface sets the delay used by repeaters before
they synchronize their clocks with a gateway device.
> use sys
sys> set time.sync_delay=600
It is not possible to manually adjust the device time through the CLI. Please use the web GUI
to adjust it.
The synchronization mode and server can be set on the “Time” tab on the System page
when the device is configured as a gateway (Figure 32)
Figure 32. Automatic time synchronization