User's Manual

Chapter 12: Virtual Access Point (VAP) Configuration
TR0153 Rev. E1 84
12.1 Access Point Interfaces
There are four interfaces that are used to configure the VAPs: wlan1, wlan2, wlan3, and wlan4.
The VAPs have equivalent configuration capabilities and there is no inherent prioritization or
preference for one VAP. The section on quality-of-service settings (section 16) describes how
prioritization on a per-VAP basis can be configured.
12.2 Enabling and Disabling Access Points
Access points can be individually enabled or disabled. A VAP can be configured when it is
disabled and parameter settings are retained when it is disabled.
A VAP can be enabled with the ‘enable’ parameter in the ‘wlanNinterface as shown below.
> use wlan1
wlan1> set enable=yes
A VAP can be disabled with the following commands.
> use wlan1
wlan1> set enable=no
Each VAP can be enabled or disabled by setting the “State” parameter via the web interface
using the appropriate “wlanN” tab on the “Wireless Interfaces” page (see Figure 42).
12.3 Virtual Access Point Client Types
The VAPs can be set to support both 802.11b and 802.11g clients, or just 802.11b clients.
A VAP’s client type mode can be set with the ‘iwpriv.mode’ parameter in the ‘wlanNinterface
as shown below. See Table 10 for the mapping between valid values for this parameter and
operating modes.
> use wlan1
wlan1> set iwpriv.mode=2