User's Manual

EnRoute50x/51x User’s Guide
TR0153 Rev. D2
15.1.2 Configuring Splash URLs
The URL that a user is redirected to for login purposes can be individually configured for each
client interface that supports splash pages (wlan1-4). URLs for successful login, failed login,
and error conditions can also be specified for each interface.
The „login URL‟ parameter sets the URL that a user is redirected to when they attach to the
interface and have not yet been authenticated. This parameter should not be left blank if
splash pages are enabled for the interface. No client would be able to access the network
through the interface if the login URL parameter does not point to a valid URL.
The „success URL‟ parameter sets the URL that a user is redirected to when they have
successfully logged in. If this variable is left blank, a default page that indicates login success
will be displayed.
The „fail URL‟ parameter sets the URL that a user is redirected to when a login attempt fails. If
this variable is left blank, a default page that indicates login failure will be displayed.
The „error URL‟ parameter sets the URL that a user is redirected to when a login error has
occurred. For example, this page would be displayed if a valid authentication server could not
be reached. If this variable is left blank, a default page that indicates an error has occurred will
be displayed.
The splash.url.<intf>.login‟ parameters in the „sys‟ interface, where <intf> is either „wlan1‟,
„wlan2‟, „wlan3‟, or wlan4‟, set the login URLs. The splash.url.<intf>.success‟ parameters in
the „sys‟ interface, where <intf> is either „wlan1‟, „wlan2‟, „wlan3‟, or „wlan4‟, set the success
URLs. The splash.url.<intf>.fail‟ parameters in the „sys‟ interface, where <intf> is either „wlan1‟,
„wlan2‟, „wlan3‟, or „wlan4‟, set the fail URLs. The splash.url.<intf>.error‟ parameters in the
„sys‟ interface, where <intf> is either „wlan1‟, „wlan2‟, „wlan3‟, or „wlan4‟, set the error URLs
The example below shows how the „wlan1‟ and „wlan2‟ interfaces can be set to use different
URLs for the login process.
> use sys
sys> set splash.url.wlan1.login=
sys> set splash.url.wlan1.success=
sys> set
sys> set splash.url.wlan1.error=
sys> set splash.url.wlan2.login=
sys> set splash.url.wlan2.success=
sys> set
sys> set splash.url.wlan2.error=