User's Manual

EnRoute50x/51x User’s Guide
TR0153 Rev. D2
> use firewall
firewall> set gateway=yes
disable it with
> use firewall
firewall> set gateway=no
12.3 Blocking Client-to-Client Traffic
Client-to-client traffic can be blocked or permitted on a per-interface basis. By enabling client-
to-client traffic blocking for one or more of an EnRoute500‟s client interfaces, the clients that
attach to that particular interface will not be able to communicate with any clients attached to
that or any other client interface in the mesh. Client-to-client traffic can be controlled for
interfaces wlan1, wlan2, wlan3, wlan4, and eth0.
The parameters that control client-to-client access are all in the „firewall‟ interface. They are:
To block client-to-client traffic, select the „firewall‟ interface and set the parameter for the
appropriate interface to „no‟, To allow traffic between clients, set the parameter to „yes‟. The
examples below illustrate the how to configure these parameters.
To block client-to-client traffic for clients attached to wlan1:
> use firewall
firewall> set node.allowc2c.wlan1=no
To allow client-to-client traffic for clients attached to eth0:
> use firewall
firewall> set node.allowc2c.eth0=yes
The client isolation parameters can be set via the web interface using the “Firewall” tab on the
“Security” page (see Figure 40). By setting an interface‟s client isolation parameter to „yes‟,