Installation Guide

Installation Guide
for adjustable fusion shower pan on wood joists
Adjustable Fusion Shower Pan - Cutting and Drilling guideline
Additional drilled and
countersunk screws
required if Pan is not
in contact with joists/
concrete floor.
Ensu re a ll the cut edges are supported, then dri ll, count ersink and screw the Pan to the j oist s below in a round 7.87”
in te rv als (avoid ing pipes , electric wires, etc.).
Important: Do not cut the edges that adjoin surrounding floor. Cutting the Pan m ay reduce flow rate pe rfor mance.
Maxim um cut
Maximum cut
Maxim um cut
Maxim um cut
Additional timber
Additional timber
Additional timber
Cut using an old or disposable handsaw.
Additional fixing points
Fi g. 2
Cu t to l en gt h.
Fi g. 3
Cu t t o acco mmo da te d ia go na l wa ll .
Fi g. 4
Cu t to acc o mmo da te d ra in p oi nt .
If Pan is not in contact with joist/concrete flo or you m ust drill out
and countersink t he Pan to ensure it does. Fa ilure to do this will a llow
unacceptable m ovement and may cause floor ti les to cra ck or beco me loose.
Fi g. 5
En sure cut e dg es a re f ixed .
Do not cut into central
solid oval section
Cutting and Drilling Guidlines