User`s guide

TRENDnet User’s Guide TEG-082WS
© Copyright 2014 TRENDnet. All Rights Reserved. 82
Add RADIUS Servers (RADIUS Authentication Method)
Security > RADIUS
RADIUS Settings
Server Priority:
Enter the RADIUS Server priority (Highest: 1, Lowest:
Server IP
Select IPv4 or IPv6 and set the RADIUS server IP
address and enter the IP address of the RADIUS server
you would like to add.
Server Port:
Set the RADIUS authentic server(s) UDP port. The
default port is 1812. Range: 1 65535.
Accounting Port:
Set the RADIUS account server(s) UDP port. The
default port is 1813. Range: 1 65535.
Shared Secret:
Enter the default authentication and encryption key
for RADIUS communication between the device and
the RADIUS server.
Click Add to add the entry to the table.
In the list, you can click Modify to modify an entry or click Delete or delete
the entry.
Go Save Settings to Flash section to save the change on the flash to make
sure the change is permanent.